What is it?
BatMon is a simple utility I wrote to monitor the state of my battery, and most importantly to keep track of Power On Hours (POH), i.e. time elapsed since the last recharge. It is compiled for OS 2.1 and has been tested on a MP2100.


  Mac Win
Archive containing .pkg and docs: batmon.sit.hqx batmon.zip
NTK project source: batmonsource.sit.hqx -

Installation is very simple, just download the package with NCU or Package Installer. It can reside on any store, either internal or card. To remove, simply delete the package.

When you switch on your Newton, BatMon appears as a floating slip, and begins to monitor your battery and to track time. When you put your Newton to sleep, BatMon automatically stops tracking and quits.

Main Slip On the slip you can read the number of power on hours since last charge (POH), battery voltage and charge status, updated about every 30 seconds:
  Disc. means running on battery
  Fast means adapter is connected and fast charging
  Trickle means adapter is connected and trickle charging

When you connect the power adapter, BatMon detects it and stops tracking POH.
When you disconnect the adapter, BatMon resets the POH count to zero.

There are 3 small buttons on BatMon main window.

Tapping the top button brings out a larger slip with battery details: Detail slip
Values are updated every 30 seconds, but tapping the Update button you can get an instant reading.


The second button on the main window clears the POH count, after receiving confirmation that this is what you really want to do:


The third button is a classic quit button. Notice that next time you switch your Newton on, BatMon will be launched regularly, but the POH count will be inaccurate, since BatMon can obvoiusly track your battery only if it is running.
A slip appears requesting confirmation: